

全球最大网赌正规平台,我们的业务是实现潜力. 我们的员工是未来的建筑师. 随便到哪里,你都能找到我们. 如果你想彻底改变世界的运行方式,从这里开始.


We’re always looking for people who can bring fresh perspectives and life experiences to our teams. 如果你正在寻找一个重视你好奇心的地方, 激情, 以及学习的欲望, 那你来对地方了!

When you work at 全球最大网赌正规平台 you work with some of the most talented and 激情ate professionals in the industry. Our global team is committed and results-oriented and that has helped us remain highly competitive in our industry. 我们认识到多元化团队和包容性文化的价值. 我们寻找具有不同背景的人, skills and perspectives because we believe a diverse team produces better ideas and is more successful at meeting the needs of our customers.

不管你的角色是什么, you’ll collaborate with a team of people who share your 激情 and help you succeed. 全球最大网赌正规平台 is a great place to work for anyone who naturally focuses on continuous improvement, 谁拥有他们的作品, 并以超越客户需求而自豪.




怎样才能扩大可能性呢? 我们开始寻找答案.

全球多元化 & 包容

作为一个全球最大网赌正规平台前进. 致力于增强所有人的包容性.

多样性和包容性(D)&是我们身份的基本组成部分, 我们承诺对持续不断的进步负责.

我们对问责制和进步的承诺根植于我们的价值观, and we are relentlessly pursuing our vision of inclusion and belonging for everyone. 我们拥抱我们的人带来的无限差异,包括性别, 比赛, 种族, 资深地位, 残疾状态, LGBTQIA +识别, 及以后. We are who we are as a company because of the valuable contributions individuals make to our highly innovative and mission-driven culture. 你是否想加入我们的团队, 在这里住了很多年了吗, 或者是客户或合作伙伴, your 全球最大网赌正规平台 experience should leave you feeling understood and valued for who you are. 我们将不懈努力,直到每个人都有归属感.

这是一个持续发展的过程:我们正在增加代表性, 创造更具包容性的招聘和人才管理实践, and elevating our culture to help each and every employee live our Emb比赛 多样性 Value.


实习 & 领导项目

刚毕业或正在完成学业? 你想要的未来可以从今天开始. 在全球最大网赌正规平台, we’re preparing the leaders of tomorrow and we want to equip you with all the tools you need to succeed. 今天你是学生,明天你就是领导.

带上你独特的视角、好奇心和动力. 如果你准备好了在瓦布泰克开始你的职业生涯, 我们有几个不同的选择给你:暑期实习, 合作社和领导轮岗计划.




更安全的. 更聪明的. 更清洁的. 更环保的.


奖 & 认识

最适合LGBTQIA+人群工作的公司│HRC Equidad BR
Human Rights Campaign Best Companies for LGBTQIA+ People to Work│全球最大网赌正规平台公司
│全球最大网赌正规平台公司 - 交通 India
Human Rights Campaign Best Companies for LGBTQIA+ People to Work│全球最大网赌正规平台公司
│全球最大网赌正规平台公司 - WITEC India
│全球最大网赌正规平台公司 - Marhowra,印度
有问题? 我们已经有了答案!


1 .涂抹

一旦你确定了一个机会,我们邀请你在网上提交简历. A member of our internal recruitment team will review your credentials against the requirements of the position. 如果我们的招聘人员找到合适的人选, 他们会安排一个电话来了解更多关于你的技能和经验. Bring your questions — this is your opportunity to learn more about the role and our chance to hear more about you.


取决于角色, 位置, 和时间表, 我们可以通过电话与你方展开对话, 虚拟采访, 或者通过传统的面对面面试. 我们认识到面试应该有利于双方. 欢迎大家提问.

3 .提供 & 加载

是做决定的时候了. Offers are generally extended live via telephone from a member of our internal team. (You will receive a communication from a member of our team if you are not selected for a particular role after the interview process has concluded).

一旦你接受了瓦布泰克的工作, 您将收到关于您的入职体验的其他详细信息, 包括进入我们的在线门户网站开始入职流程. It’s important to know that a 全球最大网赌正规平台 offer of employment is contingent upon completing a successful pre-employment check/ background validation. 这一过程因国家而异. 请不要犹豫,向招聘人员询问细节.

全球最大网赌正规平台, we celebrate diversity and are committed to providing equal opportunity to our employees and applicants. If you are unable or limited in your ability to use our career website as a result of a physical or mental impairment, 你可透过电邮至: applicationaccommodation [at] wabtec (点) com. Please reference Application Accommodation in the subject line of the email and include the requisition number for the position in which you are applying. An internal team member will contact you within 48 business hours of receipt to discuss your requested accommodation.

* We will only share information regarding your requested accommodation with those individuals who have a specific need to know.

** Please note that we are unable to respond to requests regarding application status. 如果你是你所申请职位的潜在匹配者, 人才招聘团队将与您联系,对您进行进一步评估. 您可以通过候选人主页查看您的申请状态.


如果你申请, you can be sure that your application will be given full consideration and that the selection process will be based solely on your ability to carry out the duties of the role in which you’ve applied.

If your ability to carry out a particular job is likely to be affected by a disability, we will take reasonable steps to identify and implement ways of overcoming these difficulties. 最终的任命将根据业绩和职位资格进行.



重新登录你创建的申请职位的账户. 请注意,您将需要您的用户名和密码. 您的应用程序状态将在门户中显示. 另外, 如果你是这个职位的潜在匹配者, the recruiter will reach out to coordinate a phone interview to better understand your qualifications. 如果你没有被选中,继续前进, you will be notified via email (in additional to the status change in the portal).

出于隐私原因,我们无法访问您的帐户信息. 您可以选择“忘记密码”自行重置.

这个职位可能已经有人填补或取消了. If this is the result, you should have received an email notification of the status update. 如果您无法找到该电子邮件通知, you can check your application status by logging back into the account you created when you applied to the position. 请注意,您将需要您的用户名和密码. 您的应用程序状态将在门户中显示.

如果你上传简历, the system will automatically parse your information into the appropriate fields which expedites the process. 平均而言,完成申请的时间不超过5分钟. 如果你不上传简历,必须手动完成申请, 根据你的职业经历,可能需要10-15分钟.


记住,简历的目的不是展示你做过的所有事情. It’s your opportunity to showcase your major accomplishments as they relate to the job in which you are applying.

  • 让你的技能和经验与职位描述相符.
  • 把最相关的点放在最容易被阅读的地方.
  • 具体描述你参与或管理过的项目. 结果如何?? 你如何衡量成功? 通过包括结果和支持数据来突出你的成就.
  • 如果你是刚毕业的大学生或者工作经验有限, include school-related projects or coursework that demonstrates relevant skills and knowledge.
  • Update your resume frequently to ensure your most recent accomplishments are captured.
  • 脱颖而出. 不要犹豫,说出你的独特之处. Showing who you really are is what could be the thing that sets you a part and gets you hired.
  • 了解我们的业务. 我们鼓励你方熟悉我们的行业, 我们面临的挑战, 以及我们所处的竞争环境.
  • 准备你的例子. We don’t just want to understand what you did, we also want to understand how you did it. Review the job description and identify examples of your work that best match the types of experiences we need for that position. 确保你的例子有一个明确的情况、任务、行动和结果.
  • 采访中我们. You're in the process of making a decision that will impact your career for many years to come. Take this opportunity to ask questions about how we develop our organization, people, and vision.

您可以随时要求删除您的个人信息. 只需登录您在申请时创建的候选人帐户即可. 单击右上方的配置文件图标,然后单击帐户设置. 然后选择Delete My Information部分并查看文本. 最后,单击“删除我的信息”. 我们将在收到请求后30个工作日内清除您的帐户. Please note that this will remove you from the 全球最大网赌正规平台 talent community until you apply again.